Tenting for Guided Bone Regeneration
This patient presents with periimplantitis of the lower left quadrant. Removal of existing implants with Guided Bone Regeneration is required. The tent pole technique for GBR was used.
A Buccal flap with releasing incisions and a Lingual flap with dissection of the mylohyoid muscle was necessary to achieve primary closure without tension. 100% autologous bone was collected with the bone scraper.
Tent pole screws (Tenting Screw Kit) with adequate height and angulation were placed to provide support for collected autologous bone to regenerate in the horizontal and vertical defects caused by the periimplantitis .
A long lasting (6 months) resorbable collagen membrane was adapted and stabilized with membrane screws.
Flaps were closed primarily and free of tension with horizontal mattress sutures (PTFE 3.0), and coronally with 3.0 Chromic Gut sutures.
Implants will be placed in six months. A connective tissue graft will be required to increase keratinized gingiva around the implants which can be completed at the time of implant placement, or at the time of uncovering the implant.