Collagen Wound Dressing Plug
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Collagen Wound Dressing Plug
Collagen Wound Dressing Plug Close Up

Collagen Wound Dressing Plug

By:Unicare Biomedical
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Curagen is a standard collagen wound dressing plug (formerly sold under the BioPlug brand name) made from non-crosslinked bovine Achilles tendon collagen

  • Sold in a Box of 10 Plugs. 
  • Size: 10mm X 20mm (3/8" X 3/4")
  • Comparable to Heliplug ® and Collaplug ® 1
  • For use in: Extraction Site Healing, Biopsy Sites and Wound Healing
  • 4-Week Long Resorption duration.
  • Large collagen pore structure
  • Higher bone mineralization density
  • Protect Wounds, Stabilize Clots, Aid in Wound Healing
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Collagen wound dressings are made from Type I bovine collagen sourced from the Achilles tendon. When used as directed, Collagen wound dressings may be beneficial in protecting the wound site, controlling minor bleeding, and aiding in wound healing. Collagen wound dressings are soft resorbable collagen, produced in three formats for various clinical uses. Sterilized using irradiation.

Studies have shown that the pure type-1 collagen plug, has sufficient porosity for post-operative blood penetration and promotes socket wound healing by stabilizing the blood clot in the extraction socket, covering the extraction socket, and forming new granulation tissue.

Tsai et al. conducted a study to evaluate the effects of applying pure type-1 collagen (using the plug manufactured as SurgiAid (Maxigen Biotec Inc., Taoyuan, Taiwan, which is sold under various brand names, like Curagen), to third molar extraction sockets. The study involved 20 bilateral third molar extractions in 14 patients. One socket was filled with pure type-1 collagen (experimental group), while the other received no treatment (control group). The study found that patients in the experimental group experienced significantly less post- operative pain, shorter pain duration, and less mouth opening limitation compared to the control group. Additionally, the experimental group showed a 10% higher bone mineralization ratio at the extraction site. The authors concluded that the application of pure type-1 collagen to the third molar extraction socket can reduce post-operative pain score and duration, decrease the frequency of mouth-opening limitation, and increase mineralization ratio at the extraction socket site. (2).

wound dressing study

1. CollaPlug & Heliplug are registered trademarks of Integra LifeSciences Corp. CollaTape, CollaCote, and CollaPlug wound dressings are manufactured by Integra LifeSciences.

2. Tsai SJ, Chen MH, Lin HY, Lin CP, Chang HH. Pure type-1 collagen application to third molar extraction socket reduces postoperative pain score and duration and promotes socket bone healing. J Formos Med Assoc. 2019 Jan;118(1 Pt 3):481-487. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2018.08.003. Epub 2018 Aug 28. PMID: 30170877

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Dr Dave

5 out of 5 stars

I use these in every socket grafting case. It's reliable, predictable and affordable!